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Home > How To > Falcon How-To > HOWTO: Full Independent VCT Cam Control In BA 6 Cylinders
HOWTO: Full Independent VCT Cam Control In BA 6 Cylinders
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PCMTec Edition Required: Any Editions*.


*This guide only works for a manual. If you have an auto you will need the workshop edition and manually copy over the automatic settings and tables (see steps further down).


First, read your vehicle and save the file (do not license it). 


Next, go to the stock file wizard and press "Create Stock File From Strategy" and enter in A3VC / HAAT3VC (example).


Then press "create and merge" and load the file you saved originally.


License the file. If you have previously licensed your other file this step will cost 2 extra credits.


Now go to auF12646 and flip the switch, this will invert the oil pressure sender signal as the F6 has a different switch.


Now you will have a fully independent F6 strategy in your BA. To take advantage of this calibration it is recommended to add 24 degrees over overlap from 1500 - 3500 rpm, this will help spool the turbo the same way the late model BF and FGs do.






NOTE, If the car was previously tuned, you will need to copy the spark and speed density tables over re-scaling them as you go. This is as the BA F6 speed density and spark tables are the same size as the BF, not the BA. Hence a comparison will not copy the values over. This is very important.



Automatic conversion


If you have a BTR auto you can compare your file to another BA automatic turbo such as 32YC / HAANFY4 and copy over the relevant automatic settings. Here is an example of some of the parameters you may need to copy. This will need to be carefully tested to ensure the BTR shifts as expected.

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