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Home > FAQ > Resolving "Out of Memory" Error in the PCMTEC Data Logger
Resolving "Out of Memory" Error in the PCMTEC Data Logger
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Resolving "Out of Memory" Error in the PCMTEC Data Logger

If you encounter an "out of memory" error when using the data logger software this is usually the case of running in 32 bit mode and datalogging with a lot of channels (eg a late mode 2015+ Ford). The recommended work arounds for those who use the data logger regularly is the following.


Firstly the OBDX FT cable can be run in 64 bit mode, this will log for 8+ hours without running out of memory. The overall performance of the Editor will also be dramatically improved.

It can be purchased from the following locations. 


Direct from OBDX (Stock located in Western Australia and in the US)


TI Performance (Stock located in Victoria Australia)


If you wish to use another 32 bit cable it is recommended to close the datalogger tab when not using it. It is also recommended to restart the editor at least once a day or after repeated flashes/datalog sessions with late model 2015+ Fords. Earlier Fords such as the Ford Falcon do not require as much memory. Using a 32 bit cable restricts the editor to approximately 2.4gb of RAM regardless of how much the PC has. Using the OBDX FT in 64 bit mode allows use of as much RAM is needed.


Details on using the OBDX cable in conjunction with other cables:


Switch Editor to 32-bit Mode (To use other cables)


  1. In the Editor software, locate the option to run in 32-bit mode and check it.
  2. Restart the PCMTEC Editor software (Will occur automatically)
  3. After restarting cables such as the Tactrix Openport or Mongoose Pro/JLR will now be detected


Switch Editor to 64-bit Mode (To use the OBDX FT)


  1. Install the OBDX FT driver located under the help menu in the Editor.
  2. In the Editor software, locate the option to run in 32-bit mode and uncheck it if it is not already unchecked.
  3. Restart the PCMTEC Editor software (Will occur automatically)
  4. After restarting, you should see "x64" in the top bar, indicating that the Editor is running in 64-bit mode.



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